Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Twitters!! + a note from Connor Mac

Okay, so I put my personal twitter right below the Corrupted TV twitter because I think my tweets are hilarious. Anyway, Josh has a twitter as well but it's private so I'll have to convince him to make it public so I can put it on here too. His tweets are interesting I guess. So I guess that's it for twitter business. Other stuff, well I really really like season 2 so far, I hope you all do as well. What'd y'all think of my haircut? Big surprise, I know. I really want to make an update video so you might see something like that up soon. We'll be filming again soon, so we'll give ya some totally fun-tastic pictures and stuff. Also, I have some major ideas brewing for the future of this site cuz it's feeling kinda stale as of late. So look forward to that. I'm sure other things will come up but that's all I can think of right now. Umm, oh. Next week is the Olympic episode!!!! BLC and I were very excited for this one, you'll be seeing alotta Zakil in it. So, just look out for more Corrupted TV news soon. Toodaloo, congratulations on reading this far!!!

- Connor Mac

PS: I made Connor Kelly buy that wig for $40. What a rip off!

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